Recently somewhat in desperation, I reached out to Consider It Done for help with our garage, laundry room and kitchen. My family and I had downsized from a larger house to a few years ago. On top of that, my father-in-law’s death, my mother passing and the sale of my dad’s house had caused our already full home to overflow with memorabilia, tools, clothes and extra household items. As the number of items grew with each family change our will to try to tame the pile lessened. Our garage hadn’t seen cars parked in it ever, and we’ve lived in the house for over five years.

Lori and her team come in and made calm our of chaos in only two days. Tactfully and sensitively, they helped us wade through sentimental but no longer needed items, items that really weren’t useful anymore and duplicate items. Not only that, but they organized things in a way that truly works. I never would have thought of turning shelves the way they did, or using old bookcases and racks as they repurposed them or of the handy way they reconfigured our modular kitchen island.

It is a joy to pull up each day and drive the car into our garage; when hail was threatened last week, for the first time in a long time, it wasn’t a crises. I’m so impressed that I’ve asked them to take a look at the organization of the other rooms in the house. I would highly recommend Consider It Done for any organizing project, big or small.