It is time that spring is done! Over it, wind and chills really should go! As an organizer I want everything in its place and I want to set a comfortable place for those who enter these doors, whether those doors are yours or mine. So, I welcome summer… welcome her with open arms. But there are traces of winter, we have to eliminate.

The Front Door needs to be free of Christmas décor. No reindeer, Christmas trees (yes, you know who I’m talking about) dangling lights, snow boots or mittens. The Christmas card collection should now be added to your contact list and tossed (or kept if you must) in a Christmas storage solution.

Replace the dead poinsettia that you got for the entry way with a live spring planting or make room for hooks for what is needed. A go bag that will help you get out the door in the mornings, which is meant to contain what you need to get out the door with; returns, look for, or shop with. Something to contain items that you need to temporarily while you’re out and about. Speaking of returns; return any dishes that some brought during the holidays, clothes that still have the tags on them or those purchases that you meant to give away, but never did. You can repurpose as a gift for someone, but an unused purchase is a waste of money and really wasn’t ever a gift to anyone and just becomes clutter.

The Kitchen may still have remnants of the holidays. Look in the pantry, if you find still a can of candied yams that you didn’t use during Thanksgiving or that jellied can of cranberry sauce, maybe its time to do a purge! If the dates have not expired, donate them to our local food bank. Take 15 minutes and make sure there isn’t expired anything in there! Is there small appliances that you don’t really use? A quick run through the kitchen, might reveal the things we really use or really don’t. Keep what you’re actively involved in.

Organization is partly time management. If you prep your morning’s, you will have a stress-free a.m. Prep the coffee bar, so its stocked and ready for you each morning. Cereal or breakfast bars are ready for the family to get out the door in the mornings.

The Laundry Room seems to be tricky for a lot of families. Yet if we can set up a system, laundry can almost do itself. The investment to purchase a sorting system of some sort will help our family function better. Purchase enough to sort clothes and a basket for each family member to put away their clothes. Even a housekeeper will appreciate the effort to keep laundry done systematically.

The Bathroom is a place we always find a lot of tried but not true products that we got sucked into purchasing. If the hair or face product didn’t do the magic you thought it would, donate it or toss it. Keep what is not expired and what you really will use.

Certainly, you realize that spring is a busy time of the year. There are graduations, sporting events, and an endless to do list for our families. If we do a little prep for that now, we will enjoy the craziness, instead of dreading it. If you need more help, call us at Consider it Done, and we will bring peace to your chaos!